Sep 25, 2007


Hallo everyone.

I got a question from Anne-Marie that i think, might be of interest to some of you. It was about the quotes that we used for the ”treasure hunt”. As you may remember they all come from the compass which i believe you now have electronically on a cd.

The quotes are:

”I hear and i forget. I see and i remember. I do and I understand.”

Confucius (page 20 in the english version)

”There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”

M.K. Gandhi (page 30 english version)

”… they first came for the communists; I did not speak because i was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews; i did not speak because i was not a Jew. Then they came to fetch the workers, members of trade unions; I was not a trade unionist. Afterwards they came for the Catholics; I did not say anything because i was a Protestant. Eventually they came for me and there was no-one left to speak.”

Pastor Martin Niemoller (page 32 english version)

” s/he is able who thinks s/he is able.” (the quote is modified, by me, so that it is gender sensitive:P)

Buddha (page 279 english version)

I hope it was helpful, i am also at the moment looking into giving a comment on JP's quote about peace being more than the absence of violence. For the impatient reader i will refere to Johan Galtungs peace theories especially the book "Peace by Peaceful means, Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization."

I am not a particular big fan of google but google books have the entire book it seems online...Great book. If you want we can start an online studygroup.

In connection to JP's quote you can do your own research in the book under the topics of structual-, culturel- and direct violence. Negative peace etc...great book.,M1

Sep 21, 2007


Altough I have something to say, thus I can exercice my freedom of opinion, I'm now in strike being the only one having time for such things as expresing him/herself in this blog.

Sep 17, 2007

First day in the Strasbourg EYC

Days are passing one after another. Life passes in such a fast way that we can't stop it, or at least pause it. This is life and we only have to manage and accomodate with it. This is why I am finding myself in the European Youth Center in Strasbourg again, for a Study Session, regarding of course the Human Rights.
The first day went fine. Starting with a great sunny morning and of course the most important thing which is the brekfast, the day went just fine.
In fact, I really miss the doorman here who each morning used to wake us up with his usual : "Good morning, Good morning! It's 8 o'clock and time to get up! The breakfast will be served at half past eight" and also the same song in French. This morning was a very sad one with only "it's 8 o'clock, please get up" or something like.
Today was an introduction day: the timetable, the Concile of Europe, the house, the rules and of course, in the evening, our movements.
I had a journey today to the main building and I must confess I was in doubt about this new face of Strasbourg European Institution Neighbourhood. They are now installing a new tram line near the European Parliament and the Human Rights Palace and that's why the old way to go to the main building is not available for the moment, hopefully it will be something nice when they'll finish. I am certain of that. And of course I must say that I am pleasently surprised to see that they did a great job in just 18 months. A totaly new face of this part of the city.
I am now ending hoping I didn't bore you yet :D and hoping that altough for tommorow the weather forecast is predicting rains, to have at least during lunch break time the possibility to ride the bike, which were not available last year and which we can't use this year due to the weather conditions.

1day - continuation

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some more pics

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Dear Friends,how do you feel in this first day of study session? Are you tired and hardly remember what happened? I hope you don't, but just in case a few pics, so you can remind the day.J.p.s. feel free to contribute to our blog of study session ! :)

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Sep 14, 2007


welcome to the study session blog.